Taste Level: VG
Cost: $20 and under
Serves: 6-8
Prep Time: 10-15 min.
Cook Time: 40-45 min.
Difficulty: 1
This is a light French inspired sauce that is goes great drizzled over any slice of beef and even chicken. Its light flavor is meant to enhance not hide the flavors of your meal.
Red Wine Sauce
3/4 cup Red wine (I used a Spanish red table wine)
1/4 cup heavy cream
1 cup beef broth
1 small white onion (Juliane)
1 shallot (chopped)
2 garlic cloves (diced)
2 tsp fresh Italian parsley (diced)
1 bay leaf
1 tsp corn starch
1/4 tsp red pepper flakes
fresh crack pepper (to taste)
2 tbsp olive oil
Red Wine Sauce
Heat oil in a medium sauce pan over medium heat. Add the onions, shallots and garlic to the skillet and cook stirring frequently until all the oil has been absorbed (3-5 minutes.) Once absorbed continue add red pepper flakes and contiune to cook for 3-4 mintutes or until onions have turned translucent.
Turn heat to medium low whisk together red wine and heavy cream, slowly poor mixture into the sauce pan and toss in the bay leaf. Cook down sauce until reduce by 1/2 (10-15 minutes.) Whisk corn starch and fresh crack pepper into the beef broth, add mixture to sauce pan sprinkle in parsley and continue to simmer until once again reduced by 1/2 or until sauce has begun to thicken (10-15 minutes.) If your sauce gets to think you can add a little water to the mixture to thin. Enjoy!
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