Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wheat Germ Blondies

Taste Level: VGR
Cost: $20 and under
Serves: 8-10
Prep Time: 30-35 min.
Cook Time: 25-30 min.
Difficulty: 1

* Originally from Baking for Fran* This recipe is appropriate for my first post, as this is the first thing I baked for Francis that made him say, "Yum! When are you making these again?" I adapted them from Meta Given's Modern Encyclopedia of Cooking, which I inherited from my great-Gram after years of baking goodies with her in a cozy kitchen. I've added wheat germ, which takes a little of the guilt away (completely psychological), white chocolate & butterscotch chips, and adjusted the vanilla to lend a richer flavor. I also halved the cup of brown sugar into part dark brown and part regular, but any brown sugar will do.

P.S. These are pretty awesome with a scoop of 'nilla ice cream.

3/4 C all-purpose flour
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/4-1/2 C toasted wheat germ
1/2 C butter
1/2 C dark brown sugar
1/2 C light brown sugar
2 large eggs, beaten
3/4 tsp vanilla extract
1/2-3/4 C pecans
1/4 C white chocolate chips
1/4 C butterscotch chips

Grease or line with parchment an 8x8 inch pan.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Sift together flour, salt, and baking powder in a small bowl.
In a saucepan (I like to use one big enough to mix everything in...less dishes to wash), melt butter over low heat, then add sugar and stir until smooth. Remove from heat and let cool slightly.

Beat in eggs until well blended, then beat in vanilla.

Add the flour mixture & wheat germ and beat until smooth. Then stir in wheat germ, pecans, butterscotch and white chocolate chips.

Spread into prepared pan and bake for 22-27 minutes, until barely done. Score with knife into squares, cool in pan on rack, then cut and serve or store in an airtight container.

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